Friday, November 30, 2012

Warm Feet

In the winter months, it is not uncommon for me to get chilled in the evenings.  My feet are my biggest problem with this malady.  As I crawl into bed for the night, I often have to crawl back out of bed because my feet are so cold that I can't fall asleep.  And if by chance I do fall asleep, I awaken several times because my body is working so hard to warm itself.  I'll wake up sweaty and even more chilled, only to have to crawl into a hot tub of water.

So, I've learned to just get up and go sit in a hot tub of water for 20 minutes until my body is warmed through.

That was until 5 nights ago....

And this is why I am writing this post.

I have found another faster way to get warm.  And it doesn't require me getting into a hot tub of water.

I get into bed, pull the blankets over my head and create a 'furnace' under the covers.  I breathe under the blankets for as long as I can stand, all the while my entire body is completely covered.  When I feel suffocated, I uncover my mouth only, and breathe the fresh air outside of the covers, while still remaining completely covered.  Within 5 minutes my hands have warmed up, and I fall asleep.

No more waking up shivering and sweaty.  No more frozen feet.  No more late night baths.

I have done this the last 5 nights with the exact same results.  It is a miracle.  

I had often wondered if I were to ever lose my access to hot water, how I would warm up and fall asleep.  Now I know!

Thursday, November 29, 2012


"While you should be friendly with all people, select with great care those whom you wish to have close to you. They will be your safeguards in situations where you may vacillate between choices, and you in turn may save them." - Gordon B. Hinckley

Amen!  Close friends influence you.  And you influence them.  Make sure you choose your close friends very carefully.  Make sure you have excellent judgement so that you never, ever lead them astray.  If you don't have excellent judgement, get it.

I watched an interview where Apostle Quentin L. Cook and his wife were interviewed.  At the end of the interview, Sister Cook was asked what advice she might give to those women who weren't married, but who were seeking a mate.  She said something to the effect of finding a man who has excellent judgement.  She said that Quentin has always had excellent judgement and she has been blessed because of it.

Imagine it?  Marriage to a man who has the ability to see easily right from wrong and thereby live his life according to it.

My own judgement has been awful for most of my life.  I am seeking the gift of excellent judgement and the Lord is giving to me.  It is a gift worth seeking out.   Of course, my husbands judgement has been awful too.  Thank the Lord for redemption and the chance to change!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Great Pick-Me-Up

Onward Christian Soldiers.  If you need a pick-me-up, like I often do, here is an excellent discourse by President Benson that does the job.   I underlined a few of my favorite sentences.  Have a great day, my friends!

Christ and the Constitution

(Ezra Taft Benson. Conference Report, April 1967)
Nearly two thousand years ago a perfect man walked the earth: Jesus the Christ. He was the son of a heavenly father and an earthly mother. He is the God of this world, under the Father. He taught men truth, that they might be free. His example and precepts provide the great standard, the only sure way, for all mankind. He became the first and only one who had the power to reunite his body with his spirit after death. By his power all men who have died shall be resurrected. Before him one day we all must stand to be judged by his laws. He lives today and in the not too distant future shall return, in triumph, to subdue his enemies, to reward men according to their deeds, and to assume his rightful role and to rule and reign in righteousness over the entire earth.
Nearly two hundred years ago, some inspired men walked this land of America—not perfect men, but men raised up by the Perfect Man to perform a great work. Foreordained were they, to lay the foundation of this republic, the Lord’s base of operations in these latter days. Blessed by the Almighty in their struggle for liberty and independence, the power of heaven rested on these founders as they drafted that great document for governing men, the Constitution of the United States. Like the Ten Commandments, the truths on which the Constitution was based were timeless; and also, as with the Decalogue, the hand of the Lord was in it. They filled their mission well. From them we were endowed with a legacy of liberty—a constitutional republic.
But today the Christian constitutionalist mourns for his country. He sees the spiritual and political faith of his fathers betrayed by wolves in sheep’s clothing. He sees the forces of evil increasing in strength and momentum under the leadership of Satan, the archenemy of freedom. He sees the wicked honored and the valiant abused. He senses that his own generation faces Gethsemanes and Valley Forges that may yet rival or surpass the trials of the early apostles and the men of ’76. And this gives him cause to reflect on the most basic of fundamentals, the reason for our existence. Once we understand the fundamental purpose for mortality, we may more easily chart a correct course in the perilous seas that are engulfing our nation.
This life is a probation: a probation in which you and I prove our mettle, a probation that has eternal consequences for each of us. And now is our time and season—as every generation has had theirs—to learn our duties and to do them.
The Lord has so arranged things in this life that men are free agents unto themselves to do good or evil. The Lord allows men to go only so far, but the latitude is great enough that some men promote much wickedness and other men much righteousness.
Clearly, there would be little trial of faith if we received our full reward immediately for every goodly deed, or immediate retribution for every sin. But that there will be an eventual reckoning for each, there is no question.
The Lord is displeased with wickedness, and he will help those who oppose it. But he has given all of us freedom to choose, while reserving for himself our final judgment. And herein lies the hope of all Christian constitutionalists. Why? Because the fight for freedom is God’s fight, and free agency is an eternal principle. It existed before this world was formed; it will exist forever. Some men may succeed in denying some aspects of this God-given freedom to their fellowmen, but their success is temporary. Freedom is a law of God, an eternal law. And, like any of God’s laws, men cannot break it with impunity. They can only break themselves upon it. So as long as a man stands for freedom, he stands with God. Therefore, any man will be eternally vindicated and rewarded who stands for freedom.
Men receive blessings by obedience to God’s laws, and without obedience there is no blessing. Before the final triumphal return of the Lord, the question as to whether we may save our constitutional republic is simply based on two factors: the number of patriots and the extent of their obedience.
That the Lord desires to save this nation that he raised up, there is no doubt. But that he leaves it up to us, with his help, is the awful reality.
There is a time and season for all righteous things, and many of life’s failures arise when men neither take the time nor find the season to perform their eternal duties. What, then, in this time and season may best equip us to save our Christian constitutional legacy, while at the same time rescuing our own souls? May I humbly submit six suggestions:
1. Spirituality. In the Book of Mormon, sacred to me as scripture, the Lord states that America is a land choice above all others and that it shall remain free so long as the inhabitants worship the God of the land, Jesus Christ.
Certainly spirituality is the foundation upon which any battle against sin and tyranny must be waged. And because this is basically the struggle of the forces of Christ versus antichrist, it is imperative that our people be in tune with the supreme leader of freedom, the Lord our God. Men stay in tune only when their lives are in harmony with God, for apart from God we cannot succeed, but as a partner with God, we cannot fail. We must be in the amoral and immoral world, but not of it.
2. Balance. We have many responsibilities, and one cannot expect the full blessings of a kind Providence if he neglects any major duty.
A man has duties to his church, his home, his country, and his profession or job.
Duty to church: Each man, in communication with God, must determine his responsibility to the Church. This becomes a serious consideration in a day when many pulpits are being turned into pipelines of collectivist propaganda, preaching the social gospel and denying basic principles of salvation. The least any Christian can do is to study daily the word of the Lord and seek divine aid through daily prayer. We invite all men to examine prayerfully The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—the Mormon Church—which I testify is the Church of Christ, restored to the earth and led today by a prophet of God.
Duty to home: Fathers, you cannot delegate your duty as the head of the home. Mothers, train up your children in righteousness; do not attempt to save the world and thus let your own fireside fall apart. For many years now the Mormon Church has advised parents to set aside one night a week when the family meets together for an evening at home. At this time family goals and duties are discussed, spiritual guidance given, and recreation enjoyed. To this end the Church has published and distributes, free of charge, a home evening manual with helpful suggestions for each week’s activities.
The duty of parents is to be of help to each other and to their children; then comes their duty to their neighbors, community, nation, and world, in that order. The home is the rock foundation, the cornerstone of civilization. No nation will ever rise above its homes.
Duty to country: No one can delegate his duty to preserve his freedom, for the price of liberty is still eternal vigilance. There are now thousands of businessmen behind the iron curtain who, if they had their lives to live over, would balance their time more judiciously and give more devotion to their civic responsibilities. An ounce of energy in the preservation of freedom is worth a ton of effort to get it back once it is lost.
Duty to job: Every man should provide the necessities of food, clothing, and shelter for his family. As Paul wrote to Timothy: “But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” (1 Tim. 5:8.)
Indolence invites the benevolent straightjacket of the character-destroying welfare state. But a man pays too high a price for worldly success if in his climb to prominence he sacrifices his spiritual, home, and civic responsibilities. How a person should apportion his time among his several duties requires good judgment and is a matter over which each should invite divine assistance.
3. Courageous action. I believe that, while we should ask the Lord’s blessings on all our doings and should never do anything upon which we cannot ask his blessings, we should not expect the Lord to do for us what we can do for ourselves. I believe in faith and works, and that the Lord will bless more fully the man who works for what he prays for than he will the man who only prays.
Today you cannot effectively fight for freedom and not be attacked, and those who think they can are deceiving themselves. While I do not believe in stepping out of the path of duty to pick up a cross I do not need, a man is a coward who refuses to pick up a cross that clearly lies within his path.
A man must not only stand for the right principles, but he must also fight for them. Those who fight for principle can be proud of the friends they’ve gained and the enemies they’ve earned.
4. Education. We must each of us do our homework. We must be wise as serpents; for, as the apostle Paul said, we wrestle “against the rulers of the darkness. . . , against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Eph. 6:12.)
We are going through the greatest, most insidious propaganda campaign of all time. Even the character-destroying “credibility gap” seems to be gaining respectability. We cannot believe all we read, and what we can believe is not all of the same value. We must sift. We must learn by study and prayer.
Study the scriptures and study the mortals who have been most consistently accurate about the most important things. When your freedom and your eternal welfare are at stake, your information had better be accurate.
5. Health. To meet and beat the enemy will require clear heads and strong bodies. Hearts and hands grow strong, based on what they are fed. Let us take into our bodies and souls only those things that will make us more effective instruments. We need all the physical, mental, and moral power we can get.
Righteous concern about conditions is commendable when it leads to constructive action. But undue worry is debilitating. When we have done what we can do, then let’s leave the rest to God.
Man needs beneficial recreation, a change of pace that refreshes him for heavy tasks ahead. Man also must take time to meditate, to sweep the cobwebs from his mind, so that he might get a more firm grip on the truth and spend less time chasing phantoms and dallying in projects of lesser worth.
Clean hearts and healthful food, exercise, early sleep and fresh air, wholesome recreation and mediation, combined with optimism that comes from fighting for the right and knowing you’ll eventually win for keeps—this is the tonic every true Christian patriot needs and deserves.
6. Be Prepared. We have a duty to survive, not only spiritually but also physically. Not survival at the cost of principles, for this is the surest way to defeat, but a survival that comes from intelligent preparation. We face days ahead that will test the moral and physical sinews of all of us.
The scriptural parable of the five wise and the five foolish virgins is a reminder that one can wait too long before he attempts to get his spiritual and temporal house in order. Are we prepared?
A man should not only be prepared to protect himself physically, but he should also have on hand sufficient supplies to sustain himself and his family in an emergency. For many years the leaders of the Mormon Church have recommended, with instructions, that every family have on hand at least a year’s supply of basic food, clothing, fuel (where possible), and provisions for shelter. This has been most helpful to families suffering temporary reverses. It can and will be useful in many circumstances in the days ahead. We also need to get out of financial bondage, to be debt free.
Now these suggestions regarding spirituality, balance, courageous action, education, health, and preparation are given not only to help equip one for the freedom struggle, but also to help equip one for eternal life.
Those who hesitate to get into this fight because it is controversial fail to realize that life’s decisions should be based on principles, not on public opinion polls.
There were men at Valley Forge who weren’t sure how the revolution would end, but they were in a much better position to save their own souls and their country than those timid men whose major concern was deciding which side was going to win, or how to avoid controversy.
The basic purpose of life is to prove ourselves, not to be with the majority when it is wrong. Those who hesitate to get into the fight for freedom because they’re not sure if we’re going to win fail to realize that we will win in the long run, and for good.
Time is on the side of truth, and truth is eternal. Those who are fighting against freedom and other eternal principles of right may feel confident now, but they are shortsighted.
This is still God’s world. The forces of evil, working through some mortals, have made a mess of a good part of it. But it is still God’s world. In due time, when each of us has had a chance to prove himself—including whether or not we are going to stand up for freedom—God will interject himself, and the final and eternal victory shall be for free agency. And then shall those weak-willed souls on the sidelines and those who took the wrong but temporarily popular course lament their decisions.
Let us get about our business, for any Christian constitutionalist who retreats from this battle jeopardizes his life here and hereafter. Seldom has so much responsibility hung on so few, so heavily; but our numbers are increasing, and we who have been warned have a responsibility to warn our neighbor.
To his disciples, the Lord said that they should be of good cheer, for he had overcome the world—and so he had. And so can we, if we are allied with him. Time is on the side of truth, and the wave of the future is freedom. There is no question of the eventual, final, and lasting triumph of righteousness. The major question for each of us is what part will we play in helping to bring it to pass.
This is a glorious hour in which to live. Generations past and future will mark well our response to our awe-some duty. There is a reason why we have been born in this day. Ours is the task to try to live and perpetuate the principles of the Christ and the Constitution in the face of tremendous odds. May we, with God’s help, have strength for the battle and fill our mission in honor for God, family, and country.
The Lord declared that “if ye are prepared ye shall not fear.” (D&C 38:39). May we prepare, then fear not, I humbly pray.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Worst Day of Her Life

Yesterday was the worst day of Vanessa's life.  She vomited the entire day.  Poor thing.  She was taking an anti-inflammatory for the swelling from her tonsillectomy last week and yesterday she went through the withdrawal of coming off of that medication.  It was awful.  I can sympathize with her.  Within the first year of my marriage I got a horrible middle ear infection.  I had to go on a prednisone (anti-inflammatory) and when I went off of it, I went through the same withdrawal Vanessa went through.  You think you are going to die.

Today she is doing so much better.  And she hasn't even had any of her medicines for the pain in her throat.  Joseph is on the mend as well.  He still needs pain meds, but he never went through the withdrawal.  Yeah!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tonsils Out

Vanessa and Joseph got their tonsils out today.  What a deal!  I can't believe how well they are both doing.  Two of my friends in my ward brought dinner to us tonight.  It was so yummy!  They brought clam chowder, rolls, brownies, and fresh cut veggies.  It was wonderful!  Vanessa ate 4 small bowls, and Joseph ate 3 small bowls.  It was shocking to me.  When I got my tonsils out when I was about 10 years old, I wouldn't eat a thing.  I got so sick because I wouldn't eat or drink.  I'm not sure where my parents were during my recovery because no one was watching to make sure I was eating and drinking.  I remember asking Deborah, my sister, who had gotten her tonsils out that exact same day as me, to get me a popsicle.  She was 8 years old at the time and she was doing much better than me.  I remember being sick for days and days.  Anyway, my kids are doing really well.

I also went to a neurologist to have him tell me what he thinks of my MRI.  My discs from L3 down to S1 are all bulging and torn.  The disc space between L5-S1 is especially degenerated and the doctor believes that that is where my nerves are getting impinged and causing all of my right leg weakness and right foot pain.  My doctor recommended surgery and fusing that spot in my spine so that my nerves won't be so smashed.  The insurance company requires a paper trail of physical therapy and cortisone shots before they'll approve paying for a fusion surgery.  It is a $40,000 surgery.  I don't want to go that route.  I will be doing the shots, but really, really hoping to avoid the fusion.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


We've been to the doctors' offices a lot lately.  Rex had a 103.3 temperature for 2 days so we ended up in the emergency room Sunday evening with him.  He has strep throat.  Antibiotics are fixing him up nicely.  He gave us a real scare because his fever didn't break for 2 1/2 days after the antibiotics were started.

Since we are so close to meeting our insurance deductible, I decided to go back to get another MRI on my back to see why I am not recovering from my previous back problems, in fact I have gotten worse.  So I went for the MRI.  I got the results back and was told that L3-L5 discs are all bulging.  My primary care doctor wanted to send me to a pain management doctor and I told him, no, that I want to see a neurologist.  I don't want to have to live my life managing my pain.  I want to be free of this pain.  If the neurologist tells me there is something they can do surgically to take some pressure off my nerves in my spine, I will seriously consider surgery.  My right foot is so painful, it makes it very difficult to walk around.  The best way for me to describe it is to imagine being at Disneyland or Lagoon all day long and you go back to your hotel room to get some rest, your feet hurt so bad from being on your feet all day and they ache and hurt.  Now, times that by about 10 and that is how my right foot feels all the time.  All night long.  All day long.  This has been going of for about 2 years.  My right leg is weak too.

Then we had to take Joseph in to an ENT (ear, nose and throat) doctor because his lymph nodes in his neck are swollen for no apparent reason.  The ENT doctor told him several months ago to watch it and come back if they don't go down.  Well, they haven't gone down.  So we took him and Vanessa back.  Vanessa's tonsils are gigantic and she often gets sore throats.  As soon as the doctor looked in Vanessa's throat he said, "Oh yeah, that tonsil is pretty bad."  He didn't give us a single argument for her.  With Joseph he was a little more hesitant.  But, we have a date set for November 13th for them both to have their tonsils removed. That's just 2 days before my and Jared's 15 year anniversary.  I told Vanessa it is her way to pay me back for the gall bladder surgery I had on her 9 year old birthday.  :D