Definition: hatred for women, prejudice toward women
Certainly the LDS church encourages misogyny.
The horrors in this life directed at women are vast. My 16 year old daughter told me the other day that she can understand why women become feminists.
If you want to get a clear understanding of the hatred dispelled on the women by the LDS's beloved Joseph Smith, I highly recommend an account that I have referred to before by Joseph Jackson. He was a man who knew Joseph Smith well and his witness is critical to understanding who Joseph Smith really was. The LDS church today has completely covered up this truth, but they cannot destroy it.
Be relentless in finding out who Joseph Smith really was. It will change your life. The LDS church may have intimidated you and convinced you that they are not to be questioned. But, I promise that if you go searching beyond the scope of the men you trust in the LDS echelons, you will find truth. I no longer have a shelf that holds the problems with Mormonism, and my life is free.
But worst of all is that while I was a faithful member, I realized that I knew ever so little about who Joseph Smith really was. I realized that it was foolish of me to trust the Prophet and General Authorities who I had no personal relationship with. A little voice spoke inside of me often the fact is that I was giving implicit trust to men I knew nothing about personally. That inner voice would bring this to my attention almost daily. Now that I am released from the LDS bondage, I realize that I heard that voice every single day, but while I was enmeshed, I ignored it. How tragic! The horrors I suffered in that religion could have ended years ago.
Joseph Jackson account has the account