Here's Sarah with Baxter, the dog, spending more time sitting on the couch than usual as she is fighting off the 1st trimester sickness, that has sadly gone 2 weeks into the 2nd trimester too, so far. Baby #5 due September 18, 2009. Cute little 12 week picture! The baby was rolling all over the place. I'm going to a new doctor here. I'm hesitant about it. There are no midwives up here, so I had to choose a doctor. We'll see how it goes. More to come...
Hey Sarah I saw your blog on Joannas so I stopped by to say hi. Congrats on the pregnancy, I'm sorry to hear you are sick :( no fun. Congrats to Eric, crazy that he is 8! Time goes too fast. Your kids are getting so big and of course cute as ever :) Here is our blog address http://rickandcamie.blogspot.com
Hi Sarah! I didn't know you are pregnant....congrats!! How are you guys? We are good, busy with kids and school. Hope all is well! Why do you call yourself sistersue?
(your sis-in-law)
Congrats on pregnancy! I love your garden.
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