Garbage has become a treasure at our home as of late. The boys are letting their creative juices flow and it is a joy to watch. Okay, I admit, it is a little annoying to have trash all over the house. But, I realize that these times won't last.
At this Thanksgiving season I have been reflecting on the trials I have been given. Lately, I have been trying to see what lessons God would have me learn. I don't know how it happened to me yesterday, but I thought about when I'm not being my best self, and I thought 'what if the Savior were here right now.' The feeling inside of me was so horrible. I could see how I would feel so ashamed of myself in front of Him. I could almost see Him looking at me with eyes of, 'Settle down.'
I am so grateful for the chance to change. I am so grateful Jesus hasn't come again yet so that I can still prove to Him that I can stand a little taller, and be a little more committed to following His ways.
This life is a gift. I'm rejoicing in the season to reflect on what really matters..
I have Him in my thoughts that much too. I desire to have the spirit in our home so much that I am constantly trying to be on gaurd with what I am saying and doing - and thinking as well. I know that by doing this, the spirit will indeed come into our home. A sweet message here about the wonderful word "change."
The last lesson taught in our old ward's relief society was titled, "Rising to higher ground." I felt that the message shared is so important for us now -to not be idle anymore, but to strive to do better.
I really like this post, Sar. You are always so candid and open, it is nice. I have been wanting to change too...well, I've been wanting that "mighty change of heart" where I feel really pure inside and that if Christ were to come tomorrow that He would smile at me and what I am doing, thinking, reading, watching, or whatever else I am up to. I want Katelyn to see that Christ comes first in our home and in everything we do.
I miss you, Sar! This life really is a gift, isn't it!?!
PS Travis' presentation went really well. The young men and young women really enjoyed listening and disucssing dating and how important it is to wait until 16 years old. Thanks so much for asking!!! You are so thoughtful. How is nursing going? Katelyn is still nursing. I am ever so trying to wean, but to no avail....any tips???
PSS Katelyn hasn't reached our trash yet, but she goes straight for her toy box and makes sure she empty's the entire thing and throws them all over the floor! That's her most fun. I put them away and she pulls them out again! I love it and know it won't last too.
Hi Sarah,
What a treat seeing you and your beautiful family! Seems not so long ago that you were my "Ma" on the Pioneer Trek. You were a great Ma then and no doubt a fabulous one to your current kiddles. It'll be fun catching up on your adventures.
Best Wishes,
Kim (Mihlfeith) Breault
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