Cute picture of Ness.
Oh my gosh! I cannot believe how good my back feels. The shot had amazing results! I'm still afraid to bend over and pick things up, but in time I'm sure I'll get used to the idea. It's been too long I tell ya. What a blessing modern medicine is.. Thank you Heavenly Father.
Yeah, I'm so glad it worked! I cannot imagine going so long with that type of pain. I had muscle spasms in my back for 2 weeks and I didn't think I could make it. You use your back for everything and want nothing more than to feel normal again.
Sarah, you are a strong woman!
I'm so glad you are feeling better!!!! I can't imagine how hard this has been for you these last few years. Hopefully this will continue to work. Love the picture of Vanessa!!! She is a beautiful young women.
awesome! hope it continues to feel good and not go back to giving you a hard time - eat your veggies, they're great anti-inflammatories. :)
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