Thursday, March 28, 2013

Privacy And Our Children

Check what Dr. Gary Thompson has said about the Common Core State Standards that the US Department of Education has put out.  He was a guest on the Glenn Beck Program today as well and you can check that out as well.  I don't have a subscription to Glenn Beck's TV broadcast program, so the link to this came from a website called

Here is a bit of what he said:

Given the gravity of these issues, I cannot professionally endorse the Common Core State Standards as currently written until pointed clarification is provided by politicians and educators from both party’s endorsing CCSS.  Nor in good conscience can I enroll my toddler in a public school system that utilizes CCSS until these issues are clarified to my satisfaction.
The issues involving psychological testing and privacy are issues that should be of concern to every parent with a child enrolled in public school.    The power granted federal and state education administrators via the regulations of CCSS are unprecedented in nature.   

Please, please, please if you have kids in the public school, please become informed about what is going on with Common Core.

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