Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Wedding, Talk, And Job

I have been battling a headache for the last 3 days.  I'm not usually a headache person, so this is new for me.  I think the headache might have something to do with helping the neighbors put in there lawn.  I haven't done been able to do a lot of physical activity for the last several years, so I think I overdid myself.

We attended Jared's brother's wedding on Saturday and it was beautiful.  The sealer in the temple happened to be our Stake Patriarch, President Simmons.  Being in the temple and hearing the beautiful words of the ceremony was touching and the presence of the Lord's Spirit was strong.  It was such a special experience.  Oh, and we're happy to see Grayson married to such a nice girl.

After the wedding on Saturday, we went to a restaurant called Maddox in Brigham City.  The food was delicious.  Little Bruce ate his little heart out.  The kids were so well behaved the entire day.  I was so proud of them.

As we came home from all of the activities that surrounded the wedding, we spent the rest of the day recouping.  Sunday morning church starts at 08:30 and I wasn't sure how I was going to get there because of how exhausted I was.  We had to help Vanessa write a talk for Sacrament meeting as well because she didn't plan her schedule carefully during the week.  Her talk was on the apostasy and the restoration.  Her talk was really mine and Jared's talk and I told her that that is the last time that will happen.  She is almost 14 and in my mind it is completely unacceptable for a parent to write a perfectly capable daughter's talk.

Jared's temporary job is about to become a permanent position.  That doesn't mean Jared gets the position, it just means that his company is placing the job up for bidding.  Jared will apply for it and we will see what the Lord has in store for us.  We continue to place our faith and trust in the Lord and we will accept whatever happens.  We know we are in His care.

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