Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Here's Sarah with Baxter, the dog, spending more time sitting on the couch than usual as she is fighting off the 1st trimester sickness, that has sadly gone 2 weeks into the 2nd trimester too, so far. Baby #5 due September 18, 2009. Cute little 12 week picture! The baby was rolling all over the place. I'm going to a new doctor here. I'm hesitant about it. There are no midwives up here, so I had to choose a doctor. We'll see how it goes. More to come...

Here's Jared humoring Rex's sticker artistry.

Jared's 33rd birthday. We went up the canyon and roasted hotdogs, and then came back home for texas sheet cake and ice cream!

Here's the garden we grew. We didn't get to eat any of that corn because we didn't harvest it soon enough. It was tough and nasty! We'll try again this year. We loved the zucchini and the tomatoes. Jared loved the peppers.

This is our trip to Bear Lake and to Minnetonka Cave. We went to the cave first, and then down the canyon to Bear Lake. It was a blast! All within 1 hour of where we live! Doesn't get much better than that!

I haven't figured out how to remove a bad picture. Anyway, here are Eric's primary teachers who came to support us on this special day!

You can tell Eric is a beaming new 8 year old new member of the church. He's glowing!

Eric's baptism, August 2, 2008. What a special day!

I don't know where to start. So, I'm starting with the summer of 2008. Vanessa, Eric, Joseph, Rex, and our dog, Boxer.
Hi everyone. Welcome to our blog. We're excited to connect with you. Have fun looking over what is going on in our lives and feel free to leave comments.

The Bott's