Thursday, October 20, 2016

Ex Mormon #16

Still out of the church. Will never go back. Can't!  Wouldn't! 

Still heartbreaking to realize that it was all made up by Joseph Smith. I have days where I'm totally disgusted at that man. And I have other days where I'm totally disgusted my the current LDS leadership.

This week is the one year anniversary of my resignation. It's been a tough year. It's not easy transitioning out of the Mormon religion. 

I love Jesus. He is God in the flesh. There is only one God. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Ex Mormon #15

Learning from the Bible how evil and corrupt Mormonism is to teach that Joseph Smith saw Jesus and Heavenly Father as two separate beings.  You'll read here that God, the light, is Jesus in the flesh.
Here is from John, in the New Testament

John 1:1-9  The Word was God
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 
2 He was with God in the beginning. 
3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 
4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 
5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. 
6There was a man sent from God whose name was John. 
7 He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. 
8 He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. 9
 The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.

Continuing on in verse 14:  and then from John 6, verse 29, just because it helps me remember that all the the LDS Church was asking me to do was not needful to my salvation.  With Jesus as my guide, I can safely return to Him.

14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

29 Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Ex Mormon #14

New word for the day: misogyny
Definition: hatred for women, prejudice toward women 

Certainly the LDS church encourages misogyny. 

The horrors in this life directed at women are vast. My 16 year old daughter told me the other day that she can understand why women become feminists.

If you want to get a clear understanding of the hatred dispelled on the women by the LDS's beloved Joseph Smith, I highly recommend an account that I have referred to before by Joseph Jackson. He was a man who knew Joseph Smith well and his witness is critical to understanding who Joseph Smith really was. The LDS church today has completely covered up this truth, but they cannot destroy it. 

Be relentless in finding out who Joseph Smith really was. It will change your life.  The LDS church may have intimidated you and convinced you that they are not to be questioned. But, I promise that if you go searching beyond the scope of the men you trust in the LDS echelons, you will find truth. I no longer have a shelf that holds the problems with Mormonism, and my life is free.

But worst of all is that while I was a faithful member, I realized that I knew ever so little about who Joseph Smith really was. I realized that it was foolish of me to trust the Prophet and General Authorities who I had no personal relationship with. A little voice spoke inside of me often the fact is that I was giving implicit trust to men I knew nothing about personally. That inner voice would bring this to my attention almost daily. Now that I am released from the LDS bondage, I realize that I heard that voice every single day, but while I was enmeshed, I ignored it. How tragic! The horrors I suffered in that religion could have ended years ago. 

Joseph Jackson account  has the account

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Ex Mormon #13

I have this horrible feeling so much of the time. It's all so hard to believe that this thing that Joseph Smith did is such a giant in so many of my loved ones lives. It was a giant in my life, and currently continues to be, just in a different way. It's like being in a really bad dream, but with no end in sight. Bad dreams end, this doesn't.

I take great comfort that the good that has come from this will continue on in the lives of my children. Thank God they will learn the real truth about Joseph Smith and the Mormon fraud. There are not words that would adequately express my relief that my membership in the church didn't go on for even one more day. 

It's all still so hard for me to believe that I'm writing as I am now. I had been rejecting a teaching in the Mormon faith for the last 15 years or so already and being rejected in my Mormon circles for it. The big teaching that I rejected is the authority the priesthood gives a man. Varying kinds of atrocitites are being perpetrated on my loved ones and those I've come in contact with because of the idea that a man has the priesthood. 

The men in the church are told on one hand not to suppose that they can control anyone because of the priesthood, but then they also are taught that in marriage, at least, that they are the presiding authority. How confusing, to both men and women, husband and wife! But, worse than being confused is that all members of the church have a thing called the priesthood between them and God, between them and their wife, between them and the whole world. I cannot tell you how often I heard credit for miracles and blessings be contributed to the priesthood. It offends me to the max! When I was a faithful member it offended me, and it offends me still. God should receive credit. Give credit with your words to God, not the priesthood. The members do not give credit to God, I don't care how hard you try to argue with me. How often did I hear how grateful the members are for the priesthood? And how very little, if ever, did I hear the members speak of how Jesus healed their infirmity? No, always the priesthood is what is mentioned. It is despicable, utterly offensive, and needs to stop.

I challenge you members of the LDS church to replace your word priesthood with the name Jesus. I also challenge you members to replace your pictures of the temple in your homes with pictures of Jesus. I challenge you members to replace the writings on your walls with words of Jesus, not prophets. I challenge you members to read the Bible, for Jesus's own words are there, read them. 

I love members of the LDS church. I love my family. I have been almost completely ostracized by my family because I would not cower to my father's supposed priesthood authority. My father is a tyrant. Because I do not believe a priesthood has authority over Jesus Christ, I have stood up to my father. I did this BEFORE I found out the Mormon church was an utter fraud in its claims. I reject the idea that he has that I, his daughter, have to give utter compliance with his ideas and views on what is truth and what isn't because he is the priesthood holder and I am not. 

With that being said, I hope that someday things will change. I have great hope that one day things will be different. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Ex Mormon #12

It's been a hard two weeks for our family. Just when you think life is as hard as it can get, it throws you to another new place that you thought you'd never be in. And we continue to live and learn. Because of the sensitive nature of what happened, I won't disclose what has happened at this time. 

Today, I am presenting information about a man named Joseph H. Jackson.  He is mentioned as a cold-blooded murderer by the LDS church Historian Richard Lyman Bushman, in his book Rough Stone Rolling, page 539.

Well, I have read the narrative that Bushman uses as his source to make such a claim. From the Sources Sited page in the back of the book, we see the notation of the source. Apart from calling Bushman an outright liar, I am providing the link to the narrative for you to check out the facts for yourself. Jackson is not the murderer. However, Joseph Smith is the man behind the curtain calling for all of the murders.

Read for yourself. Lucky for us, the narrative has been published online. Check it out.  Direct link is at the bottom of the page. Blogger is giving me trouble.

Edited to add: wanting more information about Bushman?

Monday, February 29, 2016

Ex Mormon #11

If I were to title this post, I would call it Who Needs Pornography When They Can Be A Mormon Instead.

Let me explain.

Mormonism is a sticky, muddy mess of Christianity.  It was really quite brilliant of the founding man, Joseph Smith, and I must say clever indeed.  He took all the good in Christianity and added a complete perversion to it and called it a new religion.  This clever deception made it impossible for me to see the errors of Mormonism when I was in it.

So, why would I relate Mormonism to Pornography.  Well, it's simple really.  It is indisputable that when a person becomes addicted to pornography in an unhealthy way, that it becomes impossible for that person to form a normal and healthy attachment to a real, live, breathing person.

So it is with Mormonism.  Mormon men are taught that they will have privileges in the next life of multiple wives in the great Celestial Kingdom with endless amounts of sex.  Women don't get multiple husbands.  Women get an eternity of creating new spirits that will go into human bodies that will inhabit a new earth, alongside multiple sister wives.  But, the only way a husband and wife get to be a part of this master plan is if they are sealed in one of the LDS Church's many temples.  Oh, the pressure to be sealed there.

Men also have a Priesthood ordained upon them.  Not to mention that the leadership in the Ward's are men.  The men are taught in their meetings that the Lord will communicate with them in regards to family matters.  Sorry women, because you don't have the Priesthood, God won't communicate with you, you'll have to wait upon your husband for any knowledge regarding family matters.  If you have a thought, well, it won't matter, you don't have the Priesthood.  If you're lucky, your husband will consider your feelings.  If you aren't lucky, you will sit waiting upon your husband like a child, ever hoping someday you will get to be treated like an adult.

Might I take a moment to mention the temple.  In the temple, a man is given the new name of his wife before they can get married.  The woman is told that she cannot enter God's presence without her husband calling this new name and pulling her through the veil.  Husband knows wife's new name, wife doesn't know husband's.

I don't know if the LDS Church has made a mess of your life like it has mine.  But, for the same reason that pornography destroys that natural, healthy bond between a man and a woman, so does Mormonism.  A Mormon couple doesn't stand a chance to start their marriage on equal footing.  There will be nothing natural or healthy about your marriage.

It is astonishing to me sometimes when I reflect on the knowledge that I once believed in Mormonism.  There is so much perversion in it, that I find myself baffled that I once so innocently accepted it.

The innoculating that the LDS Church does so that its' member's won't go looking for the real truth of its' evil beginnings is well thought out and a carefully crafted deception.  Oh the shame.  Shame on those men and women who hide the truth.

I realize that there are some women in the Mormon Church who dominate their husband's.  It is prevalent.  Those women, for whatever reason, have found men who don't take advantage of the great power that the Mormon Church promises is their's.

There are several people who continue to come to my blog, but none of you guys are commenting.  That's okay.  I don't know who you are and I will keep it that way.  But, I realize this post isn't all inclusive regarding the complexities of how damaging Mormonism is to marriages, and it is meant to be that way.  If I were talking to any of you in person, we would be able to discuss all of the different scenarios that would cause marriages to be damaged by Mormonism and the similarities that that destruction has with Pornography.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Ex Mormon #10

I had a dream last week that was pretty interesting.

I was on a football team. A game was being played. I was on the sideline and wanted to go in the game. I was all excited when the coach says to me, "No. You can't go in. It's not your turn." I was totally bummed to hear that and my excitement destroyed. 

That pretty much sums up how I feel in my life right now. I'm totally injured from injuries I sustained from a fall 10 years ago, and I have athletic injuries from exercising too soon after having a baby.

So, add leaving a religion and the beliefs that were once so dear to me, and I feel completely broken and out of the game of life.

But, it is telling that I was ready to get in the game. To get a chance to have the chance to make a difference in the game. 

The bench warmers help the starters in practice and their role is vital in regards to the success of their team on game day. The bench warmers need to be ready when called upon to enter the game when the starters need a break, are injured, or the coach wants to run special plays. Sometimes starters are injured indefinitely and a bencher gets to be a starter.

I feel like God is the coach in my life. He has the reins and I'm happy to submit myself to His guidance. I don't know what He's got planned in the future for me. 

When I get to be a part of the game, I think I'd like to go to real estate school. I'd really like to buy beat up houses, fix them up and make them beautiful for people to buy. Sounds good to me.

I love gardening too and another part of me would love to do a nursery.

I'd love to homestead too. Have a bee farm. Own my own cow for my own milk. Have chickens for my own eggs.

Bench warming...

But, if you've ever been a bencher, it's tough to be patient.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Ex Mormon #9

What really were the reasons that Joseph and Hyrum were killed?  We know that Joseph had a gun.

This information is not readily sought after by the average Mormon. I came across this YouTube video that does a good job of explaining the reasons why.  It's Siri's voice, so it can be a little tedious, but worth it for the information.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Ex Mormon #8

It's no secret among ex Mormons who blog about the church's ugly founding that the Church has their people watching them. Many of these same people have been excommunicated or disciplined by the church for their blogs.

There are a couple of blogs that are worth mentioning. The first is MormonThink. The other one is .

Most people come out of the church because they feel something isn't right and it leads them to go searching.

I came out of Mormonism because I had a dream where my child, age 9, came up to me in the dream and expressed to me with an emotional declaration that he would rather die than go back to the LDS church.  That dream got me searching.  But, I left the church before I had read anything just because of the faith I have in dreams.  It just seems so strange to me.  I hope to get over it someday.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Ex Mormon #7

If you want to hear how the church uses some of its' billions of dollars, check out minutes 42 to about 52.  Astonishing!  And disgusting!  Thank you to David Twede and Mormon Think for doing this work to expose the evil.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Ex Mormon #6

The Temple.

Oh, the temple.

What a thing a temple is!

How deceptive it is to imagine that the events in a temple could bring anyone salvation and qualify them for a place in God's Kingdom!  Oh, the thought!  Oh, the thought!

Salvation is in One, Jesus Christ.

Mormonism's temple rituals comes from Masonry.  Joseph Smith didn't even change the handshakes from the one's used in Masonry.  To boot, he implemented the handshakes about 2 weeks after he became a full mason.  From my studies, the former temples in history were used for animal sacrifice.

The Mormon Church has used the teaching of ordinances in the temple erroneously.  It is evil.  Pure evil.  Our ordinances will not save us.  Jesus will.

But, oh, the pain of learning all the lies I once believed.  I feel like my heart could break into a thousand pieces that I didn't know and was believing Mormonism was right.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Ex Mormon #5

I'm recognizing a pattern in myself. I find that the days that I am the saddest are the days that I come to post.

Today, I'm providing you with a link that someone else has gone to the effort to put in one place all of the links to the LDS church's essays on the troubling church issues.,1180178