Saturday, December 26, 2009

Why did I not notice...

From the teachings of Spencer W. Kimball we read:

"Ye adorn yourselves with that which hath no life, and yet suffer the hungry, and the needy, and the naked, and the sick and the afflicted to pass by you, and notice them not.” (Morm. 8:39.)(I added the italics)

As the Lord himself said in our day, “They seek not the Lord to establish his righteousness, but every man walketh in his own way, and after the image of his own God, whose image is in the likeness of the world, and whose substance is that of an idol, which waxeth old and shall perish in Babylon, even Babylon the great, which shall fall.” (D&C 1:16; italics added.)

The Lord has said, “… seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matt. 6:33.) Too often, though, we want the “things” first.11

President Kimball continues: Quote 'Perhaps the sin is not in “things” but in our attitude toward and worship of “things.” Unless an acquisitive person can positively accumulate and hold wealth while still giving full allegiance to God and his program—unless the rich man can keep the Sabbath, keep his mind and body and spirit uncontaminated, and give unstinted service to his fellowmen through God’s appointed way—unless the affluent man has total control and can hold all his possessions in trust, subject to the call of the Lord through his authorized servants, then that man, for the good of his soul, should certainly “go and sell that thou hast and give to the poor, … and come and follow me.”' (Matthew 19:21.) Unquote.

You know, perhaps the reason why I am writing this message is because of the commercialization of Christmas. Perhaps it is because I have recognized my own 'walking in my own way' and not noticed the hungry, needy, naked, sick, and the afflicted. Might it be because I want to keep it in my remembrance whom I worship?

Either which way, I have been careful, especially as of late, to make sure my heart is in the right place, which is with God. Sometimes it is so easy to forget that we are owned by Christ. We have been bought with a price, and a great and terrible price at that. We take Christ's name upon us when we are baptized and I know for me, I have taken that fact way too lightly, and therefore worshipped that which I ought not have. It has been a very special season of reflection and desire to make some changes in my life.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tolerance for what?

In an Ensign article Jan 2001, President Hinckley wrote suggestions to mothers to teach their children. Here is one that caught my attention:

'Teach them to seek for good friends. They are going to have friends, good or bad. Those friends will make a vast difference in their lives. It is important that they cultivate an attitude of tolerance toward all people, but it is more important that they gather around them those of their own kind who will bring out the best they have within them. Otherwise they may be infected with the ways of their associates.'

In my most sober moments, I recognize the absolute importance of this truth. I am teaching my children how critical it is to have tolerance for others' beliefs. Article of Faith #11 We claim the aprivilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own cconscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.

However, I am also encouraging and helping them to find friends who have their same standards. I love this quote for the fact that it puts the emphasis on what is more important. We have tolerance for others' beliefs that we don't espouse. But, we do not tolerate evil in any form. We seek to overcome and stop evil and preach what God has told us is evil and the consequences of what happens if we don't overcome it.

I am grateful for good people everywhere... Especially at this time of year.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Violin concert

Last night we got to go to Vanessa's violin concert. The concert hall was packed with families. There wasn't a single seat open.

There was such a good feeling in that concert hall. Here there were 400 students who had learned their songs and their families were there to support them. It was so neat.

We brought in those apple suckers with carmel to help keep our boys quiet. I don't know how well it worked because Joseph was biting on his so hard to get the carmel off and the sucker went flying underneath the chairs in front of us. Luckily no one noticed but me.

My visiting teachers came with a great lesson and some yummy home-made fudge earlier in the day. We also went to dinner with the kids to celebrate my 35th birthday. It was a busy and wonderful day!

Friday, December 4, 2009


I just have to tell.... Two times a week I take Vanessa over to the neighborhood elementary school for violin class. I homeschool her otherwise, for those of you who didn't know.

Well, yesterday when I picked her up from her violin class, I asked her how class went. She said, "Mom it was so frustrating. The other kids were so rowdy that we didn't get to play as many songs as I wanted to." Now, remember, Vanessa lives with 3 very rowdy brothers (little 3 month old Bruce isn't rowdy yet.) So, this experience must have been significant enough for Vanessa to comment to me about it. She is able to handle rowdy.

I was so excited to hear Vanessa say this! Why? Because I have been working for a whole year now trying to get my kids to understand that school is for learning, and not just a social thing that we do because everyone does it. I want my kids to learn. And this was a big victory day for me. Vanessa is sober and is realizing that there is a time to be rowdy, and there is a time to be serious. She knows that violin class is when it is time to be serious. And she is becoming quite a good violin player because of it.

It is such a joy to be homeschooling.