Friday, December 4, 2009


I just have to tell.... Two times a week I take Vanessa over to the neighborhood elementary school for violin class. I homeschool her otherwise, for those of you who didn't know.

Well, yesterday when I picked her up from her violin class, I asked her how class went. She said, "Mom it was so frustrating. The other kids were so rowdy that we didn't get to play as many songs as I wanted to." Now, remember, Vanessa lives with 3 very rowdy brothers (little 3 month old Bruce isn't rowdy yet.) So, this experience must have been significant enough for Vanessa to comment to me about it. She is able to handle rowdy.

I was so excited to hear Vanessa say this! Why? Because I have been working for a whole year now trying to get my kids to understand that school is for learning, and not just a social thing that we do because everyone does it. I want my kids to learn. And this was a big victory day for me. Vanessa is sober and is realizing that there is a time to be rowdy, and there is a time to be serious. She knows that violin class is when it is time to be serious. And she is becoming quite a good violin player because of it.

It is such a joy to be homeschooling.


Joanna said...

I would love to hear her play!

What a wonderful girl she is becoming because of you Sar. You are doing an excellent job in homeschooling your children. They will thank you everymore for what you are doing.

Botts said...

I wish you could be here this Thursday for her school concert. She is adorable.

Peterson Family said...

I am so impressed with Vanessa. She is becoming very serious and I love it!!! She is going to be a star at the violin....actually probably already is!

I love you guys. I wish I could be there to hear her play too. I am sure it would bring a tear to my eyes.