Thursday, April 28, 2011


So the buyers of our house came back with another counter offer that we are accepting. Yea! Our realtor is so awesome! He is taking $o.oo commission to make this deal happen. Jared will compensate him with an engraved garden rock for his home. We'll also probably do another rock or two for him in the future.

In the past, we have sold 2 other homes to .... divorced, single, middle-aged men. Not that there is anything wrong with divorced, single, middle-aged men. I just really wanted to sell this house to a family.

Happy day today!


kimi + joe said...

Wonderful news and relief. I understand wanting a family in your home -- especially after all your effort to make it a home. We've been selling off furniture in anticipation of our move and I feel the same way.

Joanna said...

That's awesome. How funny about the buyers. Now would you please spill the beans and tell us where you're headed? :) No, I understand if needs to be kept a quiet.

Shalean said...

Wow! Surprised to see that you sold your home! In a market like todays that is a great accomplishment! So are you staying in the Cache Valley or headed somewhere else? Best of luck to you guys! You are an amazing family that deserve the best!

Veronica Campbell said...

yay!! that's awesome news, glad you guys were able to sell your house, do you already have another house? good luck with everything!!