Monday, October 24, 2011

Wake Up!

How many times do we ignore the teachings of the Savior and think that we know a better way? It is safe to say that I spent way, way too long being rebellious and proud, and even still struggle to be obedient.

Mormon led the Nephites to war against the Lamanites. The Nephites were rebellious at this time and would boast in their successes. They had stopped giving the glory to God for their successes against their enemies, the Lamanites. Mormon had stopped being their leader once, but then changed his mind and decided to be their leader but says this:

Book of Mormon
Mormon 5:2 But behold, I was without hope, for I knew the judgments of the Lord which should come upon them; for they repented not of their iniquities, but did struggle for their lives without calling upon that Being who created them.

How sad! This story is so sad. May we all give glory to God for each and every day we have here on the earth to repent and learn to live the way He says.

Do we know what God's judgements are? Or do we suppose that God will look down upon our rebellion and be okay with it? He is not okay. I too know of Gods judgements. Looking at the world today, I can see the sense of urgency the Brethern have when they speak of joining the Lord's army and standing for something. How many of us are alseep? We need to wake up and repent of our sins so we can join the fight against Satan.


Unknown said...

I'm thinking I push the SNOOZE button to often.

I need to just hop out of bed and face my day!!!

Am I doing my part? Am I doing all I can?

Thoughts to ponder.


Dee said...

I agree with someone in mind, I think I have been so entrenched in habits that I need to retrain myself with the good ones.

Thanks always for your encouragement and support.