Monday, May 7, 2012

Hand/Foot/Mouth Disease

There's nothing quite like a good dose of hand/foot/mouth disease for your 2 year old to make you realize how good you have it when said 2 year old is healthy. Bruce has been so uncomfortable for the last 4 days. He can't eat comfortably and he wakes up often wimpering in pain. It is so pitiful. Not to mention Joseph, our 9 year old, hasn't been feeling well either. I hope he isn't coming down with a flu bug. He never wants to sleep and lay around on the couch when he gets home from school and yet here it is 7:10pm and he is sound asleep on the couch.

1 comment:

joanna said...

Oh no! I hope Joseph gets plenty of rest (and fluids!) and the bug passes. Poor Bruce's mouth. :( Children's probiotics are excellent for both the flu and viruses. Natures Bounty strawberry chewables are our favorite.