Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Holy Spirit of Promise according to Elder Scott

I have, at times, thought about eternal marriage and the sealing in the temple. We learn that if we are righteous, clean, and believers in Jesus Christ, our marriages will be sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise. I had never heard it explained the way Elder Scott says. I learned something new today.

Here is what Elder Richard G. Scott says about being sealed to his wife:

On his eternal marriage to Jeanene, Elder Scott says:

[My marriage has] touched every important element of my life—wanting to be a better person, wanting to live more righteously and do things that were more elevating and worthwhile. I don’t believe that the temple ordinance guarantees that we’ll be together forever. There will be a time before that sealing of the Holy Spirit of Promise that makes it eternal where we’ll be in the presence of the Savior, as individuals, and there will be a choice whether we continue with the sealing or not. And I want to do everything in my power to qualify so that she’ll choose for that sealing to be eternal.


Joanna said...

Great thought from Elder Scott on eternal marriage. Thanks for sharing Sar.

Shalean said...

Love that! Never have heard it that way. It makes me want to work a little harder with keeping my marriage stronger!