Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Justice and Mercy

I hope we are taking notes that as to how we obtain God's mercy. It seems many in the world think that they can sin without fear of a punishment. The prophet Alma does an excellent job of explaining how justice and mercy work in the Book of Mormon, Alma chapters 39-42. Before I confessed by sins, forsook them, and repented, I struggled to understand how I wouldn't obtain Gods' mercy because I told myself I was 'doing the best' I could. Really, I was just protecting my pride and didn't want to confess. I mean, let's face it, it can be quite embarrassing to confess. At least it was for me. Now that I've done it, I have peace. But I was willing to pay the price of all the embarrassment so that I could have that peace. Sadly, there are many who won't pay the price. If that is you, I can testify that any embarrassment you might face is nothing compared to the beauty of the peace you will find.

It's like when you have to use the drought {toilet.} You are miserable as you hold in the fecal matter. But, when you use the toilet, relieving yourself of the toxicity, you feel at peace again. Yes, the bathroom will stink for awhile, and embarrass you, but the smell will dissipate, and any remembrance of the pain and toxicity you were holding in, as well as the residual smell will vanish forever. It is a beautiful thing.

Alma speaking to his son Corianton:

1 And now, my son, I perceive there is somewhat more which doth worry your mind, which ye cannot understand—which is concerning the justice of God in the punishment of the sinner; for ye do try to suppose that it is injustice that the sinner should be consigned to a state of misery.

29 And now, my son, I desire that ye should let these things trouble you no more, and only let your sins trouble you, with that trouble which shall bring you down unto repentance.

30 O my son, I desire that ye should deny the justice of God no more. Do not endeavor to excuse yourself in the least point because of your sins, by denying the justice of God; but do you let the justice of God, and his mercy, and his long-suffering have full sway in your heart; and let it bring you down to the dust in humility.

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