Sunday, February 3, 2013

Violin and Basketball

Vanessa is on to her next item in her bucket list of things she wants done.  She got braces a couple of weeks ago.  The orthodontist told her she'll have them on for about 16 months.  She only has them on the top because the bottom teeth are fine.  Hopefully, by putting them only on the top it won't ruin her bite, thereby needing to put them on the bottom as well.

Vanessa is also working on a violin piece by Lindsey Stirling.  She is working on perfecting it to perform at an audition on February 9th.  If she gets chosen, she'll get to be part of an orchestra that will perform somewhere, I'm not sure where though.  She is getting really good at the Lindsey Stirling piece called Crystallize.

Eric is playing basketball at the church with the Deacons Quorum.  The Bishopric asked Jared to be the coach.  It is fun watching Eric play.  He isn't very good, but he has had hardly any exposure to basketball.

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