Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Camp, football, and spirituality

Today Vanessa left for beehive camp. I was excited and nervous for her as she got out of the car. We are in a new ward and the fact that she has rarely been away from us for the night are the main explanations for my anxiety. I'm sure she'll be fine and come home with fun stories to tell us about.

The boys, Eric and Joseph, start football tonight too.

We also have been called to be the Bears and Webelos Scout leaders in our ward and have our first meeting tonight with the boys. That should be fun. Jared has had this calling before and so it is very familiar to him. As for me? Well, let's just say there will have to be small learning curve.

Spiritually speaking, I am working on being steadfast and immovable in the fight to stand up for virtue and goodness, and stand against apathy and evil. It seems all around me that people allow their standards to follow the ways of the world. Blech! I despise the shame of the world and look forward to the day where I can rest from all the worlds disobedience. I look forward with hope to the day when I can meet my Savior again. But surely I'm glad it isn't today for I still have work to do. Today is the day for men to perform their labors... as the scriputes goes. Tomorrow the Savior comes... we read in the scriptures. So, today I work, always looking forward to tomorrow.


Shalean said...

So glad to see that you are happy and have found a nice neighborhood and house! Can't believe Vanessa is in Young Women's! They just all keep growing up!

kimi + joe said...

You are so diligent and I'm sure those Bears and Webelos will learn so much from you. I wish you well! How exciting for Vanessa to attend beehive camp -- I have so many fond memories from my years at camp and feel they were most influential. As you recall, we always had amazing YW leaders in our ward.