Tuesday, August 30, 2011

New School Year

Hi Everyone!

It is a new school year and the kids are really enjoying school. Vanessa and Eric are at the Intermediate school together, while Joseph and Rex are at the Elementary school together. Rex started kindergarten and has loved the first two days.

I am home with Bruce. I spend my days cleaning and cooking and planning meals and coordinating scout den meetings. Another part of my day is spent talking to friends. I have met two women here in our new neighborhood that seem to be a lot like me too.

Jared and I are also putting in a sprinkling system in our yard. Actually Jared is doing it while I chase after Bruce as he runs down the street. Aww! The joys of having an almost two year old.

Life is busy and sometimes seems like it gets so busy that there isn't time for the Lord. I have to purposefully set time out of my day for personal study and prayer. I get reoccurring dreams that I miss my Institute/Religion class when I don't make the time for what is most important in my day.


kimi + joe said...

Glad to hear you're all doing well and obviously staying busy. In a couple weeks I'm giving a talk in church on the importance of scripture study and while preparing for it I have thought of you in your diligent efforts. It's tough for me (with only one babe) to make time -- I'm so impressed with your efforts to balance everything.

Unknown said...

Oh Sarah,

I hope I didn't offend you. I sometimes open up my big mouth and I should watch myself. Especially when I am just trying to get a laugh from my friends.

I can admit when I am wrong and I really am sorry. I hope you know that.

I want you to know that I really do take my children's education seriously and that I work extremely hard to keep them on the straight path.

I few years ago I read a quote from an apostle that said that sometimes we can do a great disservice to our children by keeping them home and protecting them from some of the worlds outside influences. He explained that many young adults are sent out into the world blind from some of the evils out there and that they aren't strong enough to stand on their own when they leave home.

I know this doesn't include everyone. And I would like to shelter my babies a LOT longer (especially from the stinking school bus) but when I get fearful, I like to think about Heavenly Father sending us here, to earth to be tested. He send us to learn and to grow and to choose the right. I think that I am teaching them enough at home to give them the foundation they need to be tested everyday at school. I've found that kneeling in prayer with just the two of them before they walk out the door at 7:10 am (good heavens that is early) really helps them get a start on the day. I feel really lucky to know the majority of the teachers and kids at their school (thank you small town).

How are your kids doing now that they are back in public school?

My best friends mom actually is a K12 representative for the state of Idaho so we get to attend a lot of the activities with home schooled families.

Again, I'm really sorry. I was just trying to get a laugh and I shouldn't have. I probably offended a lot of people.

I love your blog and really enjoy good LDS blogs where I get taught the scriptures so thank you.

I hope you will give me another chance!


Unknown said...

Handshake and a smile...


Unknown said...

One more comment...

I have never in my whole life felt like "HE" is hard on me. I have always felt extremely blessed. So I am going to have to work on not coming off ungrateful or unfaithful to strangers.

I'm so sorry!!!

It has been a very hard year for me physically, spinal meningitis and also a disastrous c-section with my last one, almost losing him and still trying to recover from medical mistakes made on me, but it has made me feel so grateful for everything I have and for my life.

I'm going to try to be better about conveying that!!!