Thursday, November 10, 2011

Two-Year Old Named Bruce

For history purposes, I have to write this post.

Bruce is a true terrible two. Here is the list of what happened the other day.

1. Climbing on the counter, turn on the water, play with the water sprayer. I come running in the kitchen, he turns the water sprayer and starts spraying me.

2. I walk around the house looking for him and I call out his name. No answer. I see that my bedroom door is closed. I try to open the door and it is locked. I retrieve the spare key and unlock the door, but can smell hairspray from the other side of the door. I go in my bedroom and he has my aerosol can of hairspray and he is spraying a piece of paper and the carpet. I move toward him and he turns the can of hairspray on me and sprays me.

3. We have a dog. We have a gas fireplace. The glass gets very hot. Bruce loves to chase the dog and pull on his collar. He pushes the dog against the hot glass and gets a kick out of the dogs reaction when it burns the dog.

4. He has found my bag of rice. He loves to eat it raw.

5. He climbs up on the washing machine.

6. He opens the oven door and uses it as trampoline.

7. He dropped Vanessa's necklace in the toilet and flushed it. When he realized it was gone forever, he cried for Vanessa's loss.

8. He runs down the street, running as fast as he can, with his big Tonka truck. It takes Jared and I running as fast as we can and we have a hard time catching him.

It is a crazy ride right now with this little guy. I don't know how I'll ever say I miss this stage. Older women tell me I will. I think they're crazy. I might eat my words someday, but that's okay.

1 comment:

kimi + joe said...

I shouldn't laugh, but some of these are really funny. I have virtually no experience with two year olds -- so it may not be so funny when I experience these activities first hand :)