Monday, November 9, 2009

CS Lewis gives a beautiful summary of the effect Christ has on us in his Narnia series that I'd like to discuss.

In Lewis's books, Christ is symbolized as a lion. He tells how people who live their lives in the dark are terrified of Christ's voice. And he demonstrates how people who don't live their lives in the dark, or, live their lives in the light, hear the roaring of Christ's voice as a sweet melody.

I have reflected on this idea a lot over the last couple of months. I can definately see how in my life, at times, I have been afraid of Christ's voice. A better way to describe it is that I wanted to run away from correction. Another way to describe it is that it feels like when I've broken a traffic law and the police are coming to punish me and the feeling I get is like I want to race away in my car to get away from them.

Christ tells us to change. He tells us to restore something we've taken away. He tells us to be selfless.

I wish I could describe the feelings I have about Christ and how He has changed me. I still have times when I want to run away from something I have done that is wrong, but it has become easier for me to admit wrong-doing the more I've done it.

Christ's words have become a sweet melody to me.

I'd love to hear your ideas...


Peterson Family said...

I love this post! I love thinking about Christ and how He has changed me too. Right now I am praying so hard to have the pure love of Christ for everyone and to truly feel the way He feels about everyone. I know He loves us all and that we are all special in His eyes.

Botts said...

Vic, when I pray to see everyone the way They see them, I see the good and I see the evil inside others, but in a non-condemning way. I have begun to see myself in the same way. I'm grateful for the gifts and talents that God has given to me. And also, I don't condemn myself for my evil, I just look at the evil inside of me and slowly work on weeding it out.

Then, I teach my children to see themselves the same way. I have really come to realize that when we fill our lives with helping and serving others, it leaves less time to get into trouble. Novel idea, I know. But, I just barely figured it out.

Thanks for your comment! I love it!

Joanna said...

Sar, I tried to comment on this post last night but my computer froze and I lost the internet - and lost what I wrote.

I loved what you wrote here. I am pretty new to hearing Christ's words, as you know, and so I have been taking in a lot of it through scripture and song etc and that's been a bit overwhelming. Yesterday I received an email from my Omaha friend and she said something that comforted me. She said trying to be like Jesus is a long process - a life long process and we shouldn't rush it, when we rush it, there can be problems. I have been tempted to race away because I haven't been letting the Holy Ghost teach me at his pace. Interesting huh. Line upon line, precept upon a little, there a little...small and simple things are great things brought to pass...

Thanks for your post here. It too comforted me during this time in my life where I have been trying to make "change." The words of Christ are a sweet melody when you are prepared to hear them.

ps. Sorry I didn't get back to you last night. I had hungry kids and Russell was almost coming home, so I had stuff to do.

You were going to tell me about the story of...Daniel? Do you remember what you were going to say? Email me it if you remember.