Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Homeschooling is going so well.  I love it!  The boys are working hard and I love being able to make sure they know the subject before we move on.  Eric missed some key Math lessons back in 3rd grade, 4 years ago, and so we are working on learning that stuff.  Joseph is also catching up on a few Math lessons that he missed when he had to miss 2 weeks of school a couple of months ago when he got his tonsils out.  Rex works hard and I am so proud of him.

In our neighborhood, there have been several people and friends who have asked what we are doing homeschooling our children.  Vanessa and Eric have had to answer why I am doing it.  They give several of my reasons, but they feel awkward and uncomfortable.  I tell my kids to hold their heads high and to not be embarrassed.  The responses the kids get from these people are interesting.  The most interesting comment to me is the one that said, 'Your Mom is ambitious.'  I never thought I would be one to home school my kids.  I have always thought home schoolers are weird.  Of course, there are plenty of public schoolers who are weird too, but I never thought of that before.  There are challenges and hurdles we have to watch out for, but we are committed and loving this new adventure and challenge of home school.

1 comment:

kimi + joe said...

I'm glad homeschooling is going well! It's something I'm to do when Elizabeth is older. I love watching children learn new concepts and I like the idea of focusing her curriculum. Joe's told me about the Common Core program and he feels as strongly as you do about it.