Thursday, July 5, 2012

Demise Part 3

So as I am walking out of the building in my dream and watching others running around in their own frenzy, I walk down some stairs away from the people running and toward a room filled with people who were hiding under their blankets. It looked like a graveyard of people side by side and hiding underneath their blankets. But, I wanted out of the building so I could go home so I walked right out the front door and onto the front lawn. It was dark outside and I found others there. They were each waiting for a car to come and get them to take them home. I went over to where they stood and began to wait for my ride to come get me and take me home. Standing there waiting was a fruitless thing for how was one to know when their ride would come to get them? So I determined to go back into the building and tell as many people as I could that they didn't need to be afraid of the demise or darkness or destroyer or whatever it was in their lives that had them afraid. So, the first person I went up to was a person who was rustling underneath their blanket. I lifted up the blanket and was excited to tell the person the good news and what did I find? I found that it was one of my favorite sisters underneath that blanket. (I have 5 sisters) And then I woke up. Ever since that dream, I have been on a mission to tell others about the lessons I have learned over the last few years of my life. I have wanted to tell as many people as I can that they can face the scary things in their lives with boldness and without fear. It has brought me great satisfaction to find many people eager to hear how to make their lives better.

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