Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Trusting again.

Over the last little while, I have found myself in the perplexing place of not knowing how I was going to trust again. Do I take the risk again of becoming vulnerable to being hurt again? Eeek!

And yet, I know that part of the process of healing is learning to trust again: in myself and in those who have hurt me. And what do I do when trust is broken again, as I'm sure it will be--none of us is perfect.

Something inside me tells me that growing into being able to believe in myself again and trust in consistently living true principles will help me attain God's forgiveness for me. I have done much that I am not proud of, not to mention that lost belief in myself and God that I would conquer my adversities.

As I continue to take that leap of faith in trusting again, what had seemed like an impossibility is becoming believable and do-able.

I feel the peace and strength coming from Father in Heaven that He is there showing me how to trust again and believe in myself again.

1 comment:

Joanna said...

You are growing in strength and confidence. As we begin to conquer our adversities, I believe that is where we gain that strength and confidence. We must trust continue to trust in Heavenly Father.

Thanks for the great posts!