Saturday, March 16, 2013


We went to Vanessa's concert today at Utah State University. Wow! It was amazing! Bridgerland School is the one who put it together. It was all of the best kids from Ogden to Preston, Idaho. It sounded like a concert you would go to for college age students. Vanessa is exhausted from the practices over in Logan, 30 minutes away. Jared's Mom, 92 year old Grandma Harris, and sweet Marianne drove up from Salt Lake to be there. Jared had forgotten to tell them exactly what day it was, so they went up to Logan last night, Jared's dad Doug, his brother Grayson and his fiance with them, but the concert wasn't last night. But, Linda drove up again today to be there for Vanessa. What a special day it was! We went to lunch at Texas Roadhouse as everyone was starving. Now the kids are out playing night games with the neighbors. I am sitting here on the couch waiting for them to come home with an ice bag on my hurt foot. I think I'm going to have to go the doctors for it because I'm not healing on my own. The original injury is from 12 months ago. I must have re-injured it because a couple of weeks ago something happened and now I have to hobble around. It has been a journey of injuries and healing now going on 8 years. I just can't seem to heal.

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